Before we begin, we would like to point out that each profile must always be opened after first defining and studying a strategy that will ensure the most suitable way to reach the public of your company or project. For this reason, it is also important to know the characteristics and limitations of each of the platforms in order to analyse their viability and be able to provide them with content in a timely manner.
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Differences between Facebook profile and page
In today’s post we will explain how you should create a Facebook page for your brand , whether it is a company, a product, a blog or a music band.
First of all, you should keep in mind that Facebook makes important distinctions between personal profiles and business pages. You should never use a personal profile for business purposes, among other reasons, because Facebook prohibits it and can delete the profile if it detects it. The main differences between the two are:
Features of a friend profile
- Limited to 5,000 friends.
- Restricted access due to privacy.
- Does not allow the use of tabs or apps.
- Statistics not included.
- Posts cannot be scheduled.
Features of a fan page
- No limit on followers.
- Public access.
- Allows the use of tabs or apps.
- Includes statistics.
- Publications can be scheduled.
However, it should be noted that any page must be managed by a personal profile, which forces you to use your personal profile or create a new profile dedicated exclusively to managing this page. Once the profile you are going to use to create your page has been established, we will start the whole process.
1. Create a Facebook page
To start creating your page, you must access the following On this screen, you must enter the basic information about the page. It is worth mentioning that this process is reversible and once the page is created, you can edit its information again from the configuration panel.
2. Enter page information
The next step after creating your Facebook page is to fill out the basic information about your business or project. Although these steps , it is recommend to complete each one. In the first step, you will need to include the following information:
– Description of your project with a maximum length of 155 characters.
– URL of your project website.
– URL of your Facebook page. This option is only bo directory displayed in specific cases and allows you to customize the URL of your Facebook page to make it easier to remember.
If the above option does not appear, you will have to wait and get more than 25 ‘Likes’ on the page to be able to personalize it. As with the name of the page, it is essential to be clear about what we are going to include in this field and check the availability of the chosen name, since in many cases it is not possible to use it because another user has registered it before you.
If this is your case and you have registered the email material brand name with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, you would have a last resort to request the use of the name directly from Facebook, for which you should ask Facebook for help . In addition, the URL once it ; only in specific and cases will it be possible to modify the URL only once.
3. Upload a profile photo
In this step you will need to select an image that represents your project, whether it is an image or a photograph. It is important that the photo is recognizable and to a square format of at least 180 x 180 px, since it will be the image on the page and when interacting in the comments.
4. Upload a header photo
Once this initial process is complete, Facebook will direct you to your page where you will begin a brief tour of the main features and steps you must take next, including being the first to ‘Like’ it.
Once the tour is over, the next step you need to take is to customize the header, the section with the greatest visual impact on the page. The header should measure 851 x 315 px and given its importance, it is vital that you use an attractive image that represents your company or project.
5. Complete basic information
Finally, you need to fill in the rest of the page’s data. To edit this information, go to the “Information” tab and click the “Edit” button that will appear when you place your cursor over the “Information” or “Basic Information” columns. Depending on the type of page you choose, you will need to fill in some fields or others. It is that you always provide as much detail as possible to facilitate user navigation, such as contact information or description.