Improve Sales Lead Quality by Attracting the Right Audiences to Content

In the world of content marketing, a lot of goals and KPIs are focused on acquiring more visitors, encouraging audiences to spend more time on the Improve Sales Lead Quality website, gaining more blog subscriptions, and earning more likes on social media.
If you’re focused on always getting more, you have to ask yourself if more is always better. Is your goal to have a large following or to improve sales and retain customers? While it’s nice to show that your efforts are driving more traffic to the website, if the traffic you’re driving will never buy your product or service, you might as well do nothing at all. On the other hand, if your goals are to increase conversions and reduce churn, make sure your efforts are attracting the right audience and improving their experiences to encourage sustained engagement.

Content marketing efforts to

get more qualified leads and change the focus of your measurement from the popularity and performance of individual pieces of content to buy telemarketing data impact your content marketing efforts have on higher revenue and lower churn rates. Shift your goals from attracting more people to attracting people who spend more money or stay with the brand for a longer period of time.

Content marketing goals to impact the bottom line
There’s already plenty of content on the Internet. At this point, there’s no reason to create content for the sake of having more content or growing your audience share, unless the audience you’re growing is also converting. Driving more traffic to your site and increasing pageviews doesn’t really mean anything unless you’re also increasing conversions.
“It’s pretty obvious to most people that driving a lot of traffic that’s the wrong traffic isn’t going to drive a lot of conversions, Ironically, that realization hasn’t really slowed down requests for content that does just that,” notes Erin Robbins O’Brien, President of Ginza Metrics.

Sometimes requests for more content

are a knee-jerk reaction to the amount of content being produced by competitors. While monitoring your competitors is good, instead of measuring your competitiveness by the size of your content inventory, track their successes versus your own by how well they’re ranking on the search engines and how well content is performing. If you’re watching your competitors and notice they’re consistently ranking higher in search results and you decide it’s because they blog daily and you only blog weekly, you may be missing the point.
Instead of trying to compete with your competitors by increasing the amount of content you create, compete with them by creating quality content that better addresses audience needs. Blogging more won’t necessarily improve your search engine rankings; it just increases the number of blogs that exist on your site. Instead of competing for quantity, compete with your competitors for quality by producing content designed to engage your target audiences.

Just because someone

is creating more content than you, doesn’t mean they’re selling more products or services than you. If your competitors are engaging more people, find out if they’re the right people for your product. If they are, create content that competes for those audiences by topic or type of content. Simply continuing to create more of the same content that wasn’t engaging in the first place won’t improve your rankings or your conversions.
According the Erin, “It’s like there’s a disconnect between knowing that you need people to convert and not recognizing how the content you’re creating has an impact on that outcome.”
Driving more people to your website isn’t necessarily to cure to a low percentage of conversions among your current traffic. Instead of setting a goal of creating more content to drive more traffic and maintain a low percentage of conversions, set a goal to improve your content and increase the percentage of conversions among the people who you’re already attracting to your website.

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use your resources to create new content for people who might accidentally convert now and then or you can decide to spend your time and money making your existing site more relevant. Focus on delivering content assets the market actually needs and wants and make the customer journey through your content to conversion as easy as possible.

If the goal of your content marketing efforts is solely to drive new traffic to the site in hopes that some of them might convert, eventually you’ll run out of new people to drive to the site. Instead, amp up the conversion rate and understand how your content performs across the mediums, methods, and messages you’re using to improve its performance amongst the right audience – the ones that come to your site in search of your solution.

Set content goals that emphasize quality over quantity
Getting the desired results from content begins with setting the right goals. Make sure your goals are emphasizing quality over quantit

Have you ever had an older

piece of content start performing well on the search engines and suddenly you felt like you just walked outside wearing flowery bell-bottoms and carrying a boom box? Although you’re glad to have the site visits, you realize that visitors to that content may leave your site with the wrong idea about your current solutions and product or service offerings.
You know you can’t just ignore the fact that outdated or incorrect information is being consumed and possibly shared with your audiences. So, now you’re faced with a decision; either create a new piece of content that addresses the same topic or go back and how to create a landing page yourself refurbish the existing content.
Instead of risking creating duplicate content, competing with yourself on the internet, and opening your site up to the wrath of Google and all its penalties; try renewing, repurposing, and re-promoting older content that still drives traffic to your site.

Don’t delete it, update and optimize it

Chances are that if you have aging content, it was. Built the well-developed audience personas that now guide your content creation. Updating aging content gives you the opportunity to focus on audience intent and re-message your. Content based on your current audience personas. Look to making improvements in readability by tightening up content and. Focusing your re-write on a single topic of interest to your target audiences. Improve your audience experiences and improve your SEO by satisfying current user intent. And using long-tail keywords that match current search queries.
There are actually two main reasons to update older content. Second, you may have older content that is being found, but is no longer accurate or relevant. In both these cases, you’ll want to update the content to reflect current search trends and. Keywords as well as improve the user experience.

Update the content, not the URL

If you discover that you have older content that’s still. Getting found, make sure your updates benefit from the SEO value the content has already earned. Even if you decide to perform a complete rewrite of the content, keep the original URL and title. Depending on the piece of. Content, you’ll either want to go in a make a few tweaks, or you’ll need to give the piece a. Complete overhaul. Keep in mind that audiences are finding your content for a. Reason and don’t change the content so much that you lose the good SEO value it has earned over time.
If you’re performing a complete re-write, you’ll want to make. Sure that the keywords. Reflected in the title are also reflected in the body of the content. Content aero leads associated with the URL and the title, you’ve not only. Destroyed the good SEO you’ve already earned, you’ve also opened yourself up to Google penalties.
Keep the intent of the content and the general message the same while updating things like:


Inbound links
Product information
Outdated statistics
Meta descriptions
Calls to action
Images and screen shots
Use keyword research to update content
If you have website content or blog posts your audiences. Are still finding through organic search that ends in high bounce rates and low. Conversion metrics, you may have content that needs a refresh. Discover the most popular keyword or. Keyword strings people are using to find the content to determine their intent for clicking on. That particular blog or landing page.
Once, you’ve identified your audience’s intent, re-read. The content to see if it actually fulfills the needs expressed in the queries. Chances are. That if the bounce rates are high, it’s not.

With user intent in mind

and your audience personas clearly in focus, rewrite the. Content to give the people what they want. Be sure to incorporate the exact keywords and keyword strings into H2-H6 headers and into the language of the paragraphs.
Changing the title of your content is risky, unless you’re doing it to. Correct the use of the same title in other content and avoiding the use of duplicate content. If you must change the title, keep the keywords that have attracted your. Audiences to the content in the first place.
As with all “new” content, you’ll want to consider how this asset contributes to the overall flow of your website. Improve the user experience and assist with the c

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