5 School Holiday Marketing Tips & Online Shopping Trends

Shopping is one of the basic human needs that cannot be missed. Therefore, it is not surprising that the trend of online shopping is growing every year along with changing consumer behavior.

Over the past three years, shopping behavior around the world has changed due to the pandemic. Online transactions have become more common than in-store shopping.

This online shopping trend usually increases during certain seasons. Generally, Indonesians shop more during Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Christmas, New Year, and even school holidays.

So, how do you adapt to keep your business alive in 2023? Before implementing the right e-commerce SEO strategy , first get to know the online shopping trends and consumer behavior below.

In 2022, Indonesia recorded a 23% increase in e-commerce sales . This quite high growth makes Indonesia rank in the top 10 countries with increasing e-commerce sales.

 Lead to positive growth 5 School Holiday Marketing Tips & Online Shopping Trends

The recently ended Ramadan gave a boost to the online shopping trend of Indonesian people. The increase occurred in early March 2023 which is the beginning of the holy month.

The same thing is also expected to happen during the school holiday season. Consumers tend to prepare to shop well in advance to avoid running out of stock in the market.

To optimize the provision of online shopping facilities for consumers, you can optimize SEO efforts for promotional content during school holidays.

Whether on an e-commerce page or a business website, product or service promotion activities can be optimized by using relevant keywords .

Why is such optimization necessary? This is because internet users often use certain search queries to search for a product or service.

For example, a search for “latest iPhone prices” will display websites that actually offer that product.

To be able to outperform the competition on search results pages (SERPs), your website and e-commerce pages must be optimized with the right strategy.

By occupying 5 School Holiday Marketing Tips & Online Shopping Trends

Your business website will have a greater chance of getting organic traffic from clicks from interested users.

Online Shopping Trends By Demographics
Before implementing an effective online sales strategy during school holidays, you need to recognize online shopping trends based on several factors, namely generation and gender.

This grouping is intended to see what kind of target audience you need to prioritize in online marketing activities.

To learn more clearly, here is an explanation of online shopping trends that are differentiated by generation and gender.

By Generation
Consumer behavior is based on shopping needs and habits formed by generation or age group.

It is common knowledge that each generation will have different shopping behaviors from one another.

Think of Sarah’s Boutique, a tiny clothes retailer that finds it difficult to compete with internet behemoths like Amazon. Through the use of an phone number database extensive phone number database containing purchase histories and customer preferences, Sarah creates customized text messages with exclusive offers that are only available to her devoted customers. With this strategy, transactional interactions become meaningful dialogues that promote brand loyalty.

phone number database

This unique shopping behavior can be seen from

The character of consumers according to their generation. To make it easier to understand this situation, we will use the example of Gen Z and Millennials.

Gen Z is certainly very familiar with the trends in this digital era. Rapid technological developments have an impact on their online shopping habits.

Around 45% of Gen Z consumers compare prices on e-commerce and other digital platforms to find the best deals.

On the other hand, Millennials are more influenced by social media in making online transactions. So it can be concluded that the marketing platform is effective for consumers aged 26 to 42 years.

Meanwhile, Gen Z and Millennials tend to choose the same payment method, namely using a debit card.

The difference in generation is due to the mindset of using money in a measured way with debit. This looks very different when compared to the previous generation who preferred the COD ( cash on delivery ) method.

In addition to generation, differences in

Online shopping trends can be seen from gender . Men and women tend to have different consumption habits.

The personal needs of both genders are specific database by industry leads certainly something that should be considered in determining marketing strategies .

In general, women make more transactions on items related to fashion and beauty compared to men.

As for daily shopping needs such as food and drinks, consumption is relatively the same for both genders .

Overall, women are 7% more likely to complete a transaction than men . Therefore, many social media marketing strategies target this demographic.

However, men tend to spend more money

Than women on online shopping even canada email lead though they do not make frequent transactions.

Consumer behavior based on gender is an interesting thing to discuss when planning a marketing strategy .

Therefore, matters relating to product and service promotion based on niche need to be adjusted to the target audience in order to work optimally.

5 e-Commerce Product Marketing Strategies in 2023
e-commerce marketing strategy 2023
Figure 2: Illustration of product marketing strategies based on online shopping trends in 2023
Once you recognize online shopping trends based on generation and gender , you can apply some of the latest marketing strategies that can attract consumers’ attention.

We use e-commerce as a platform reference

For marketing products online during the school holidays in 2023.However, this does not mean that this marketing strategy eliminates the role of a business website optimized with SEO.

Here are some ways you can consider to market your products during the upcoming school holidays:

1. Promotion Through Live Shopping
Today, the consumption of video content is increasing. By 2023, internet users will spend an average of 17 hours per week watching online videos.

Video is an effective medium for marketing activities . Therefore, it is not surprising that the current online shopping trend that is popular on various e-commerce platforms is live shopping .

Usually, this promotional activity can be done by conducting live promotions with influencers who can drive brand value to the audience.

The chosen host or influencer must

have influence in your business niche in order to reach the right audience.Use the appeal of live shopping to launch new products. Make sure to provide clear information so that e-commerce visitors are interested in the product.

Create attractive product descriptions and optimize them using keywords so that visitors can find live shopping easily.

That way, the audience will click and watch live so that the chance of conversion will increase.

Presentation of Interesting Video Content

In addition to live shopping , you can take advantage of your audience’s habit of spending time watching videos by presenting interesting marketing content using this medium.

Content creators can be planned with a mature concept. Make sure to create unique visual elements so that brand identity can be recognized by potential consumers.

This video can be used to create marketing or educational content to provide information that can attract the attention of internet users in general.

This video marketing works like advertising, but with a more measurable target. Thus, the leads generated will be of higher quality.

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