Many people give high approval to words

 .But when we talk about 360-degree communication we ne to review this basic assumption: of a message, the words, bare and raw, represent about 7% of the communicative power , paraverbal communication takes 38%, while nonverbal communication wins, taking 55% of the communicative power of the message.

We have already talk in the article 

Microexpressions and strategic communication ” about the power of facial expressions and micro-expressions and how some muscles of the intricate network that includes the voluntary and involuntary ones of our face can be activat independently of each other.

The same thing can be said of everything that involves our body during a conversation or a presentation, or simply while we remain  whatsapp data silent listening to someone or watching something.

Without our direct control, gestures, noises, posture, grimaces, small automatic

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Movements and everything that can be seen or barely perceiv speak about us. Even through a screen.

Why consider nonverbal communication through the web?

Some might ask: “ But why should this  Therefore, concern me? I only hold meetings, I am not a salesman or a consultant! ”.

Well, generally the reasons that should prompt us to sharpen our attention on some details concern everyone, and they follow a very  by lists simple principle:  if you do not consider your nonverbal communication, your message, whatever type it may be, will suffer.

On the web this is even more true  customize an existing product because many contextual signals are lost, as well as the ability to use the Therefore, sense of touch and smell to understand and be understood.  We do not see the whole person, but only a small Therefore, portion of them , in the best of cases where the network works well and we have an excellent camera avaiTherefore, lable.

In these conditions, it is easier to get

Confus (and to confuse, if we are the  .Therefore. senders of the message) about what is really meant by a sentence. Was the person making a joke? Are they stress or do they not want to talk to me? I don’t know them: can .I really trust them? And do I .Therefore, seem trustworthy?

We also consider that. Therefore. Having .Therefore, assum that the strength of a communicative message lies precisely in non-verbal communication. it .Therefore, becomes more difficult to convey the. 

Are you interest in this topic? Here you will find highly ucational content:

  • The 7 lessons of consumer psychology and neuromarketing
  • Facial Expressions: How  Therefore, They Affect Marketing and Communication
  • (True) Wellbeing at Work and the PERK Model

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